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 Funny story

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Number of posts : 54
Age : 913
Location : directly above the center of the earth
Registration date : 2008-03-28

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PostSubject: Funny story   Funny story Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 1:12 am

K, so on the saturn server, there is a legendary warrior armor. This warrior armor has a long history and its kinda funny so i thought i'd share with you all. The armor, as i first knew it, was a +6 dual elite -5, and it was bieng sold for real cash by this guy, and someone i know bought it, for $200. they made it super and then the lotto patch was introduced and +8 warrior armors started to drop and were selling really cheap. so they guy bought up a bunch of +8 warrior armours and made the dual +6 -5 a dual +8 -5. The armor was awsome, but before it could get +9'ed, it got hacked, and the guy who hacked it sold it for lame ass items back to the guy who originally sold it to the first guy I knew. Then another friend of mine bought it from the original seller for $250 and a shit ton of items, good items too, but i dont remember the whole list of them. My friend then played for a while with it before he decided to quit and sell his gear. The only person interested in buying the gear for real money was the original seller of the legendary warrior armor. the deal was +9 spear and several duals including the +8 warrior armor for just a few hundred bucks, a small amount compared to the items actual value, and hardly enough to cover the cost of purchasing the warrior armor originally, even still the deal was made and my frined quit. consequently, the original seller also ended up back with the warrior armor and after owning it several times, and making several hundred dollars off of the same piece of equipment, the armor is still for sale. . .again, by the same guy. . .only on saturn lol.

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Number of posts : 35
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Registration date : 2008-03-31

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PostSubject: Re: Funny story   Funny story Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 5:29 pm

Pissed-Off wrote:
K, so on the saturn server, there is a legendary warrior armor. This warrior armor has a long history and its kinda funny so i thought i'd share with you all. The armor, as i first knew it, was a +6 dual elite -5, and it was bieng sold for real cash by this guy, and someone i know bought it, for $200. they made it super and then the lotto patch was introduced and +8 warrior armors started to drop and were selling really cheap. so they guy bought up a bunch of +8 warrior armours and made the dual +6 -5 a dual +8 -5. The armor was awsome, but before it could get +9'ed, it got hacked, and the guy who hacked it sold it for lame ass items back to the guy who originally sold it to the first guy I knew. Then another friend of mine bought it from the original seller for $250 and a shit ton of items, good items too, but i dont remember the whole list of them. My friend then played for a while with it before he decided to quit and sell his gear. The only person interested in buying the gear for real money was the original seller of the legendary warrior armor. the deal was +9 spear and several duals including the +8 warrior armor for just a few hundred bucks, a small amount compared to the items actual value, and hardly enough to cover the cost of purchasing the warrior armor originally, even still the deal was made and my frined quit. consequently, the original seller also ended up back with the warrior armor and after owning it several times, and making several hundred dollars off of the same piece of equipment, the armor is still for sale. . .again, by the same guy. . .only on saturn lol.

rofl, lesson learned. Dont spend money on CO!
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Number of posts : 91
Age : 913
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Registration date : 2008-03-28

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PostSubject: Re: Funny story   Funny story Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 6:26 pm

if i remember correctly, that spear was +11 not +9. Any deal is a good deal if u sell the item 3 times and u still own it. damn
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Number of posts : 54
Age : 913
Location : directly above the center of the earth
Registration date : 2008-03-28

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PostSubject: Re: Funny story   Funny story Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 6:33 pm

oh shit, it was +11. . .and the necky was dual +6 -5 . . .and +6 or 7 single sdg -5 ring too. . .correct me if im wrong
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Number of posts : 91
Age : 913
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Registration date : 2008-03-28

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PostSubject: Re: Funny story   Funny story Icon_minitimeWed Apr 09, 2008 7:27 pm

sounds about right..lol
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Number of posts : 14
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Registration date : 2008-04-16

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PostSubject: Re: Funny story   Funny story Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 6:55 pm

Saturn seems to be quite lulzable, on Faith there's only 2 egys fighting and both trying to prove they're not egys =D
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PostSubject: Re: Funny story   Funny story Icon_minitime

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