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PostSubject: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 28, 2008 1:41 pm

Got a unique story? This is where it belongs
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PostSubject: scammers   Other? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 4:06 pm

Like many people I got scammed, many times. I lost over 200kk and a load of my stuff worth a lot more. I emailed them I don't know 4 or 5 times, the last one was a complain letter. Then my final email did get a response saying that i can not submit a case 10 days after it occurred, and that happened because it took so long to actually get a response.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 4:13 pm

sigh, typical TQ response, allow me to translate. . .Sux to be u kid, now fukk off and get outa my face, u ruining my high!

(im joking of course. . .but its probably true ROFL)
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 7:46 pm

rofl...well i hated TQ since day 1 FOR having paypal. but today because i proved a point (and had manwhore in my user title) a mod banned me...thought it was funny and now im bashing her =)
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 02, 2008 4:18 am

I have been playing CO since open beta testing on CO1...decided 2 years ago I would spend some cash and buy db's..the first 2 times no codes, sent them emails and WOW they actually replied and sent the codes by email. Then they brought out all the new stuff decided buy some db's for my char's and my kids char. No codes, no email replies sent them a really nice letter telling them to, get stuffed with a ragmans trumpet, my way of being nice >.< .. to this day still have no codes. I know there is a way to get your money back but if you do it they isp ban you.

Quit the game and now playing on private CO servers.

Sorry to all of you that have been hacked, scammed and ripped off by TQ, their loss in the end as more and more ppl are quitting
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 02, 2008 9:12 am

Just dont play conquer or any another games made by TQ....

angelgoddess wrote:
Quit the game and now playing on private CO servers.

and youre right ...
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 02, 2008 3:57 pm

its true they don't care about us, but i can't help playing the game is fun, the staff is not though
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2008 12:52 am

Well this is why I hate TQ:

Ok so it was a wednesday night and like usual there was a maintenance. I logged off. I logged back on and TQ had that bug which takes off lots of chunks of your armour. (I logged back on and my armour, gourd and ring where in my inventory) I thought nothing of it, I simply put back on my armour and ring. Earlier I had been doing the new "Demon Slayer Quest". If you haven't noticed the quest item looks exactly like the gourd. I didn't notice my gourd in my inventory as well ( I thought it was the Demon Slayer Quest item). Well long story short I was out hunting the DB mob and I was killed by a giant snake thing ( they hit 10k on full super +9 130 trojans). I dropped my gourd. I didnt even notice it. My friend pointed out she saw me drop a gourd. I was astonished to realize my gourd was gone. I emailed TQ and recieved a reply telling me they were unable to assist me.

Last edited by Jon on Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2008 10:14 pm

i had same problem as you jon i had actually more then one occasion TQ fucked up with me as well.

when the potency came out i was power leveling a water i logged off came back on after patch my water was gone all of my rains gone i was flipping out i started playing conquer when conquer only had one group the server was kylin. anyways all of my 2s rains gone i was flipping out crying all of those years of hard work gone down the drain i emailed a gm nothing for 3 days then i get an email to file hack case i emailed that moron back and said how is an account made no more then 2 hours prier to me logging off get hacked? there response i could have a trojan i said no i do not have a trojan i do not download nothing and everything that i have downloaded i scan first so no i wasn't keylogged. i don't bot don't hack and i spent enough cash on that game. the response from said gm? nothing.. took a friend of mind to talk to a good GM friend of his to get my rains back.

on another occation was again after one of there patches i logged off out in twin city when i log back on im naked in jail with all of my gear in my inventory i almost died first time lucky i got out fast and saved my gear not the second time on another day i logged on and again my gear was in my inventory again after one of there patches i was in jail i died by a moron lowbie trojan and dropped gear lucky i was fast enough and my friends to pick up most of it but the boots i wasn't so lucky, was my trojans gear, i'm still so thankful wasn't my 2 socks, but still its gear i worked my ass off to get and where is it gone, pissed me off. i emailed GMs, i never got a responce.

i have many more story's but thats it for now lol my reason i said FUCK TQ and refuse to play any of there disgusting games there money hungry and i wont spend my cash on any of there games or play any of there games till they fix and remove the issues everyone has. mainly there entire staff lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2008 1:02 am

Let us just say that me and TQ have had several unsatisfactory dealings in the past.

The first time was when I was level 90. They restored my character with all of my items in my warehouse. Of course I was restored to a character that was naked with an empty warehouse. This was at the beginning of sapphire, and I lost alot of good gear for that time period.

In the end, I have fucked over tq for alot more than they have done to me. Me and my brother are the two who ripped off the false aimbot maker, searched his code, stole his key phrase "bananasplit", and took all aimbotter items before he was able to. I then enforced a no ban policy on any of our characters as well as keeping all items due to a legal techinicality that TQ later fixed but was too late to do anything to us. I was active in the market XP glitch, and again I did not lose a single account, due to finesse on my part. Using the same account over and over to make SDGs and then deleting it left TQ befuzzled for a long time. Then the endless stream of trades on the ground through random characters on random isps left them to stop even trying, being the lazy asses they are. I also have information on a glitch that noone has performed, but is technically most likely possible. This would require someone who has experience from CO1 with file editing.

Anyone who qualifies under this, PM me and we can get to it later. I won't post it, or TQ might actually fix a glitch for once in their life Very Happy
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PostSubject: Copy pasteing this from their ultimate "Live support"   Other? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 16, 2008 9:29 pm

Staying Anonymous:
Hi! I just really wanted to know WHY guards NEVER do their job in ape mountains? I lost +3 elite coat because they don't work. Is that fair? I don't think so.
Call accepted by operator Judy. Currently in room: Judy.

Welcome to Conquer Online Live Support. You are speaking with Judy.
Hmm, sorry for this.
Guard aslo need time to responce to kill the pked mode players, maybe they are just too fast before guard responce.
Staying Anonymous:
I was only curious, it's not like it meant anything to me, but still. I know some people who have lost some valuables due to guard failures. So i was kinda asking that could it be fixed?
Staying Anonymous:
Well i was killed, then the guy who pkd did a dance on my body, next to guard..So i don't think that about speed, or then guards are extremely slow.

Some background info; I was rednamed and sitting under the guard in ac, then, this one mofo who i'd been fighting a little comes to "Guard Whore" me (if you guys know what i mean) Then i lost +3 elite coat (I'm extremely poor on co)
I wouldn't lose it IF the guard would've beaten the guy, but no, guard just stands still, And then what? The pkr comes all flashy and blinky next to my corpse to laugh and dance..Fair? I don't think so. AND THEN, i go to co.91.com and see "live support: ONLINE" Ok, so i go and ask about my problem, after that "guards need time" stuff, i was ignored. So basically, telling that tq's staff sucks big cocks.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 17, 2008 2:59 pm

lots of times the guards just go to sleep dude, like on bi...they fall asleep all the time. thats why that place is a pk frenzy all the time. i have pked so many people in front of guards on bi, and nothin happens, sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, kill the inactive guards and the next one that spawns will be active again, resetting something. it doesnt happen all the time. I have also found that they all get reset after sm. so sit under them after a sm, and u should b ok. just remember that most of the big guys can pot from active guards. Most 125+ taos with decent gears, and archers can pot from guards. shit, i even had a sick warr that could pot from guards, he pwnd. just b careful chillin in redname.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeThu Apr 17, 2008 3:07 pm

DOUBLE POST...WHOOOPS, u will get over it. ***one way to get redname gears*** using Klavier's story for this one. if u see someone chillin in red under a guard, just get a tro or warr or somthing that can one hit fb/ss the redname under the guard. Active or not, just let the guard kill whoever u choose to fb or ss the redname. then have a noob logged on next to the guard. when ur tro kills the redname, the guard kills ur tro. everyone dead except ur noob, and all the gear is on the ground. pick that shit up and scroll. 20 seconds as a ghost is a small price to pay for some gears. srry dude, i would of danced on ur ass too. u will learn to manuever as a redname. My bro and I used to run around black name killin people with decent gears on. u just gotta know where to go and how to get around. ahh blackname...those were the days. HOLY SHIT, just got an idea to get more people to the website and forum...i'll keep u posted.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 2:05 am

Ice9 That was only the tip of the iceberg for me Wink And the point was that Tq makes us, the players, pay for their pixels [dragonballs], just that we can get our money taken away because their system doesn't work, And then say "Sucks for you. BUT WE DON'T CARE"
Besides i'm poor in co, and the server i play in has kinda high prices.

BUT Nevertheless, i have once found 3dbs on same day Very Happy
So Fukk tq.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 3:33 pm

FUKK TQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 7:13 pm

yea, the current drop rates sucks much.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 7:16 pm

You can still get 4dbs pretty easily everyday.
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 7:38 pm

Back to the topic, My friend told me i can tell his story to you guys (He does not give a crap)

Ok, my friend has bought dbs for over 800euros. (1euro = 1.5792 dollars)

Then, he got keylogged and lost it all.

He sent e-mail to TQ 10times in 2days, got no replies, then he saw that live support was online...
Well, not any help from there either. LUCKILY he had a friend whose father works in TQ..
Well, results; My friend got his char back...but it was NAKED
I know i know, not any news, but still.
He had Full +6 Super (it was before +12's came) Dual socket, sdg in almost every slot.
So he lost the 800euros. Why? Because tq doesn't give a crap unless it's someone they know / their children know. And even after then, it's likely that you won't get even normal gears.
Oh yeah, and he even told the TQ guy that he had uniq gear - because he knew that he ain't getting Supers from tq. But anyway; Tq didn't care, Live support didn't care; SOMEONE'S CHILD CARED.

Seriously, some 12 year old kids are doing the job that TQ Should be doing.

And that's why, I, join you, to say, FUKK TQ!
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 7:56 pm

dude, you know someone who knows someone whos father orks for these guys?!?!?! get some info out of him, like who is the name of as may people in tq or netdragon at the top of the management/ ownership so we can google em and find phone numbers or emails possibly, or maybe that dude knows of diffrent emails or phone numbers, something, maybe, anything, get on that shit! sounds like a long time ago, but even still, worth a shot!
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PostSubject: Re: Other?   Other? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 19, 2008 12:36 pm

Sure, i'll try to catch my friend and ask from him!
I'll report as soon i get any answers from him!
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